With the spate of Unemployment both in Nigeria and outside, it has become a confusing and uncertain time for a lot of youth. With the Universities churning out graduates and employment opportunities remaining limited, some graduates are left with no employment and sit at home.
There’s also uncertainty in Students in Universities as they are surrounded by unemployed elder siblings. The days when students with first class degrees have automatic employment waiting for them seem to be in the past, and studying abroad no longer seems to make employment as easy as it used to be.
In spite of all the challenges, there are still opportunities that can be taken advantaged of. Sometimes the problem could be that Employers can’t reach the most skilled Employees, or certain job areas have limited job opportunities.
The first thing to do is to know what job opportunities are available in your area of study, what employers are looking for, and how you can improve yourself and add value to yourself to take maximum advantage of opportunities in your area of expertise. Do you need to take professional exams, and what kind do you need to take? Do you need to do an internship so that you can garner work experience in your area of expertise giving your self an edge over others? Do you need to do a specialized course so that you can be an expert in a certain specific area?
There lots of opportunities for self study an improvement on the internet for example. If you are an IT professional there are various affordable self paced courses you can take to give you an edge at almost no cost, you can check out www.lynda.com which is a great start.
The problem some have is finding the right opportunities for there expertise. Do you have to work in a physical work environment or can you take advantage of the global virtual work environment. Can you be a freelance professional and work for companies outside your shores? You’ll be amazed at the opportunities available on the internet. Sites like www.hrstork.com help you find jobs directly from employers.
Sometimes, the opportunities you are looking for outside can be created by you. Can you think of a business idea, create things, and manage people, market products or services?
Can you start a business of your own rather that work for another business? Right now there are various entrepreneurs in Fashion, Art, Entertainment, Hospitality, and Sales, which have been able to make a success out of a small business idea. Do have a Business idea you have been nurturing but you’ve not been bold enough to start? Probably now is the time.
I believe now is the time to stand up and act. Act on that idea, act on that notion, improve yourself, create that opportunity. The way to grow is for continuous and non-stop improvement, and someday the right opportunity will come your way, but if you are not prepared to take on that opportunity, then you would be left in the dark.
It’s never too early to start preparing. Preparation can start right from Secondary School, and Graduates should also keep improving themselves. With the right thought and Actions, you will get that job or create a job as an entrepreneur. There is really no reason you be without a job.
excerpt from gidipages